Distance Sales Contract

For Arabic press here

Article (1) – Subject of contract and parties

1.1 – This contract is between the buyer whose information details are mentioned and the seller who runs the application app.arabspeereading.com ; (hereinafter referred to as the seller ) as it defines the rights, laws and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law NO. 6502 and the regulations related to the principles of implementation and contract procedures, regarding the sale of the application (Speed Reading in Arabic) through the website or Digital Platforms and activate the application after completing the payment process.

1.2 – The buyer acknowledges and accepts that he is aware through the primary information regarding the basic characteristics of the product (Application subscription), the price of the product, the method of payment, the delivery mechanism and the return policy, in confirming this information in the electronic environment and accept the services provided by this contract and announced under the terms of this contract, the preliminary information on the payment page through the Arab Speed Reading App on app.arabspeereading.com are an integral part of this contract.

1.3 – Seller information

Name: Tawkin Teknoloji Hizmetleri Ticaret Limited Şirketi


Phone: +905347733592

Email:  info@arabspeereading.com 

1.4 – Buyer Information

Job name / surname:

the phone :

E-mail :

Article (2) – The date of the contract

This contract was made between the parties on the date of completing Application subscription which was done through the Speed Reading in Arabic App .

Article (3) – Digital Products Related to the Contract

Article (4) – Delivery of Digital Products

Details of the subscription requested by the buyer, and the amounts of the subscriptions will be referred to as the Application subscription.

The Subscription will be delivered through a direct activation once the payment is completed.

Article (5) – Method of Payment

For subscribe in the digital product(s) from the website or application, the buyer must pay using a credit card, Visa card or MasterCard

Article (6) – General Provisions

6.1 – The Buyer acknowledges and accepts through the payment form that he has read the information related to the Application subscription, the selling price, the method of payment and the delivery of the product subject to sale in this form and thereby gives the confirmation.

6.2 – The seller is responsible for Activation of the Subscription after the completion of the payment process.

Article (7) – Product Return Policy

Since the products are digital, the Subscription  will be activated after completing the payment process, and the user has no right to refund the payment after finishing the payment process.

Article (8) – Agreement on the evidence and the competent court

8.1 – In resolving any dispute that may arise from this agreement and / or its implementation, consumer arbitration committees that arrive until they are announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, consumer courts and executive directorates located in the areas of residence of the parties are the arbitrator in settling the dispute between the buyer and the seller.

8.2 – The buyer acknowledges, accepts and agrees that he has read all the terms and interpretations written in the order form that is an integral part of this contract, has received all preliminary information, has audited and accepted it.